021-2939 8761 [email protected]

Selected milestones of previous cases and projects of each partners, including:


a. Lead counsel assisting the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 3 (three) judicial review of New Mining Law in the following cases: (i) Case No. 59/ PUU-XVIII/2020; (ii) Case No. 60/PUU-XVIII/2020; and (iii) Case No. 64/PUU-XVIII/2020, before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia;

b. Team members assisting Mr Setya Novanto, former Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in a corruption allegation case relating to budgeting and procurement of national ID before the Corruption Crimes Court at the District Court of Jakarta Pusat;

c. Lead counsel representing Mr. Tomy Winata as the defendant in a civil against Fireworks Ventures Ltd and PT Geria Wijaya Prestige (“GWP”) (Hotel Kuta Paradiso, Bali) related to unlawful act allegation in the transfer of GWP receivables from a multinational bank before the District Court of Jakarta Utara;

d. Lead counsel representing Medco E&P Natuna, Ltd (formerly Conoco Phillips Indonesia Inc, Ltd) in a civil case at the cassation level against an Indonesian conglomerate and the biggest state-owned enterprises bank before the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia;

e. Lead counsel representing PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate, Gresik) as one of the biggest industrial estates in Indonesia in handling commercial disputes against its contractors related to reclamation works around the industrial estate area before BANI Arbitration Centre;

f. Lead counsel representing PT Kapuk Naga Indah (the subsidiary of Agung Sedayu Group) as the defendant in a civil case relating to the agreement on reclamation island utilization in the Jakarta Bay before the District Court of Jakarta Pusat;

g. Lead counsel representing PT AKR Corporindo (Tbk) as the claimant in suspension of debt payment obligation (Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang or PKPU) case against its debtor’s guarantor, as a respondent with outstanding of the debtor in the amount of IDR 190 billion before the Commercial Court at the District Court of Semarang;

h. Lead counsel representing one of the world’s leading manufacturers of aircraft turbines in handling commercial disputes against its customers in Indonesia related to an engine supply and services agreement;

i. Team members assisting the purchaser and preparing the completion of legal documentation for the acquisition of one of the Coal Contract of Work (CCoW) companies in Indonesia, with a transaction value of USD 175 million.

j. Team members assisting the target company and preparing the completion of legal documentation for the acquisition of an online payment system company by one of the biggest unicorn companies in Indonesia, with a transaction value of USD 48 million;

k. Team members assisting one of the notable dredger companies in Indonesia as a contractor for jetty and seawater intake dredging works in Cilegon, Banten with a transaction value of IDR 329,5 billion;

l. Lead counsel assisting the ultimate beneficial owner of one of the notable pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, in maintaining their portfolio of the high-net-worth for the future structure of the holding company, including preparation of will/testament and asset restructuring for the heirs;

m. Team members assisting the purchaser and preparing the completion of legal documentation for the acquisition of a notable iron ore mining company in Kota Palu, with a transaction value of IDR 70 billion;

n. Team members assisting the seller and preparing the completion of legal documentation for the acquisition of an iron ore mining company in Kabupaten Konawe Utara, with a transaction value of USD 18 million;

o. Team members assisting the holder of Production Operation Mining Business License (or Izin Usaha Pertambangan Operasi Produksi) based in Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara for the redevelopment of mining concession and coal delivery with the holder of Mining Service Business License (or Izin Usaha Jasa Pertambangan), with a transaction value of USD 6 million;

p. Representing one of Indonesian Entrepreneurs, Mr Rizal Risjad, against PT Bank Victoria, Tbk in a civil case before the District Court of Jakarta Selatan;

q. Representing PT Primatama Nusa Indah (“Plaza Semanggi”) against its tenants in a civil case before the High Court of DKI Jakarta;

r. Representing PT Persada Sejahtera Agro Makmur (CPO Processing Plant) in handling commercial disputes against Palm Oil Business Actors in Indonesia related to palm oil supply and services agreement;

s. Representing one of Indonesian Entrepreneurs, Mr Erry Firmansyah, in a civil case before the District Court of Jakarta Selatan;


Our Address

Sovereign Plaza, 21th Floor,

Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 36, Jakarta SelatanJl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 100

Jakarta Selatan 12760


021-2939 8761
