021-26966369 [email protected]


Fajrin Muflihun, S.H.

Managing Partner

Fajrin Muflihun is a Commercial Dispute Resolution Partner, he has extensive experience in arbitration, litigation, bankruptcy/ insolvency, corruption crime, and assisting the government in judicial review proceedings and also with significant corporate and commercial experience.

Fajrin Muflihun, S.H. | Fajrin & Associates

Fajrin holds a Bachelor of Law degree from Airlangga University and member of PERADI (Indonesian Bar Association) and IKAPI (Indonesian Receiver and Administrator Association). He is a qualified attorney to practice before the Indonesian courts.


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0811 – 800 – 8558

Ade Solahudin, S.E.I., M.E. AAIK., FIIS

Senior Partner

Ade Solahudin is a Banking and Finance Partner with an expertise in finance, accounting, islamic banking and insurance, and auditing especially in financial services industry, he has a broad experience in leading a finance and accounting team which also preparing financial reports, both for internal and external purposes.

Fajrin Muflihun

Ade holds a Master of Islamic Economics and Finance degree from Trisakti University and an Indonesian insurance expert from the United Latino Student Association.


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Muhammad Salman Darwis, S.H., M.H.Li

Senior Partner

Muhammad Salman Darwis is a Dispute Resolution Partner, he has a substantial experience handling commercial disputes, bankruptcy, debt restructuring and complex litigation matters, including police investigations, state administrative, general election and manpower matters.

Fajrin Muflihun

Salman holds a Master of Law degree Gadjah Mada University and member of PERADI (Indonesian Bar Association) and IKAPI (Indonesian Receiver and Administrator Association). He is a qualified attorney to practice before the Indonesian courts.


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